How To Activate GOD Mode In Windows 10

 Windows 10 GOD Mode

The feature first appeared in Windows 7, but in case you were not aware of it, “God Mode,” which is a hidden menu allowing you to access all available configuration parameters in one simple location, is still available in Windows 10.

The only thing your need to do to activate “God Mode” is to create a new folder on You desktop (right-click your desktop -> New -> Folder) and then assign this name to it: God Mode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

The folder should look like this:

That’s all you need to do! Create a new folder and assign it with the name:

And here’s what you’ll find in it: (As you can see, now you can access all these important parameters is now just a click away!)

That’s all, enjoy! :)

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